Travelogue, Post-Card Home, & Curio

The goal of this blog is to serve as a scrapbook of sights, thoughts and experiences that arise on the Barlow's travels. This is the 3rd in the series of "Spike & Maria's Excellent Travels" - the 1st being a record of their move from Canberra to Brisbane in 1991, and the 2nd being a record of their life in Japan between 1994 and 1996.

Our Itinerary

  • Till 8 March: Preparing (Australia)
  • 8 March - 2 April: Japan (Tokyo)
  • 3 April - 25 April: Greece (Santorini, Athens)
  • 25 April - 1 May: France (Paris)
  • 1 May - 3 June: USA (West Coast)
  • June 5 Onwards: Recovery!

22/1 - Flights Confirmed

Today was a day for mini deadlines. We had to confirm our flights by today, pay the deposit due and finally decide on a travel insurance company to go with. This should be a quick and simple decision however it was made difficult for us due to my pre-existing conditions. Bugga! We tried to change our arrival time into Athens from 2.30am, but as we found out this is the only filight in from Heathrow, so we're stuck with it. It will be a very long day for all of us, particularly with the ferry to Santorini taking 7 hrs, so by the time we arrive, I'm sure we'll all feel like crashing.

19/1 - Change of Itinerary

After deciding last night to shorten the length of stay in France, my job for today was to change a couple of our flights. Our new departure date is 8 March and the new return date from the US is currently 5 June.

As Spike said yesterday, we'll be looking for a clean, cheap 1 bedroom apartment in Paris and have reduced our stay in France by a week. We are really looking forward to meeting Krisoula, Jean Marc and baby Barbara, but will shorten our stay there to reduce the pressure on them. The primary reason for visiting France was to meet Krisoula (my cousin) whom I've never met and until I was 16 didn't even know existed. It was a real buzz coming from a small country town in NSW to find out I had family in France! How exotic!

Her sister Marika and Flora are daughters of My father's younger brother and after losing my father at age 5, we lost all contact with his family most of whom still lived in Greece. The girls grew up in France but recently, Marika and her parents moved back to Greece. Marika is the eldest daughter and closest to my age and we've been in contact for many years now, but I never thought I would ever get to meet her or her family.

If all our plans come to fruition we'll be meeting on 3 Apirl. While in Greece we'll also be visiting the village my father was born in and the village my mother was born in and as Spike said, getting in touch with our roots!

I have to say a big THANKYOU to all the wonderful people who have offered to look after us while we're on our amazing journey. Their generosity is overwhelming! Spike's fabulous workmate Matsui-san (whose giggle always puts a smile on our faces) and her family for being so generous. My wonderful 'sister' Keiko for being there for us as usual and her amazing cousin Yoriko for offering her family house. Marika and her family for welcoming us into their home and my Uncle and Aunt for welcoming us as well. Krisoula for being so generous at such a very busy and difficult time for them. The amazing Brown family for opening their doors to us while we're in the U.S. We're are so excited about seeing them again after almost 2 years. The first thing Grant mentions whenever someone asks about our trip is that he's excited about seeing his best friend Nathan again!

Well, as usual I've ranted on for too long. It's late and there will be more to report on in the coming days. A decision on travel insurance needs to be made and no doubt there will be more minor changes to the itinerary to come! Kalispera!

18/1 - Parisian Hotels

We heard from Krissoula today in Paris regarding the possibility of staying with her during our visit. Due to all their commitments, and the arrival of the cute Barbara (new daughter) it would be better for all if we rented some accomodation.

So, it was a late-night internet search with French and local (yes -, which we often use for oz accomodation is international - shows my parochial focus) accomodation sites, plus looking at Lonely Planet Guides etc.

It made the Paris part of the trip somewhat more real - both by consulting the maps (for hotel locations), viewing online photos of hotels, and the somewhat daunting price (particularly when translated from Euros to $AUD) of these places. Que sera sera (gotta get that language practice in :)

17/1 - Health Checks & Travel Insurance

Today has been a day for health checks - Pre-Existing Medical Conditions for Travel Insurance seems like a real rort to me. We'll see how that goes. Ohhh...and of course there's the blog :)

Yep, as expected, another chance for the insurance agencies to grab some more cash.

Early January

Post New Year we got serious - realising the supposed trip was under 3 months away and about as real, at that stage, as alien abduction stories.Really a fortnight of financial and itinerary planning, overwhelming options, emotional highs and lows as plans switched several times in a day, and verbal confusion as 4 languages fought for ascension.