Travelogue, Post-Card Home, & Curio

The goal of this blog is to serve as a scrapbook of sights, thoughts and experiences that arise on the Barlow's travels. This is the 3rd in the series of "Spike & Maria's Excellent Travels" - the 1st being a record of their move from Canberra to Brisbane in 1991, and the 2nd being a record of their life in Japan between 1994 and 1996.

Our Itinerary

  • Till 8 March: Preparing (Australia)
  • 8 March - 2 April: Japan (Tokyo)
  • 3 April - 25 April: Greece (Santorini, Athens)
  • 25 April - 1 May: France (Paris)
  • 1 May - 3 June: USA (West Coast)
  • June 5 Onwards: Recovery!

18/1 - Parisian Hotels

We heard from Krissoula today in Paris regarding the possibility of staying with her during our visit. Due to all their commitments, and the arrival of the cute Barbara (new daughter) it would be better for all if we rented some accomodation.

So, it was a late-night internet search with French and local (yes -, which we often use for oz accomodation is international - shows my parochial focus) accomodation sites, plus looking at Lonely Planet Guides etc.

It made the Paris part of the trip somewhat more real - both by consulting the maps (for hotel locations), viewing online photos of hotels, and the somewhat daunting price (particularly when translated from Euros to $AUD) of these places. Que sera sera (gotta get that language practice in :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.